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Thier name roughly translates to "Little Wild Man of the woods that vanishes." They are described as being short humanoids, roughly 3-4 feet tall with bristly porcupine like quills on their backs. They are rather elusive but it is said that if you encounter one in the forest it is best you ignore it and hope it doesn't follow you.

They are magical beings of Native American mythology, who's legends have spanned many years. They are mischievous creatures with the ability to vanish and shapeshift. They use their abilities to play tricks on people that wonder in the forest and can even be quite dangerous to people throwing rocks, spears and shooting poisoned arrows. They have been blamed for the disappearances of some individuals that went missing in the forests. They were once friendly to people but their disposition changed, possibly due to the impact of people towards their forest dwelling.



Pukwudgie close up

Pukwudgie close up

Skull studies

Skull studies